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Dublin Bay

Track Overview

Approx. 6 km each way

Dublin Bay is an easy going, and stunning lakeside dirt trail located approximately 15 minutes drive from Lake Wanaka Township. The track follows the bay around the mouth of the clutha river and turns sharply to the left and heads up a short hill climb, then continues along the top terrace next to the bike track. When you come to the farmer's gate it is time to turn around. Track is marked with orange markers.

You are likely to encounter cyclists, dogs, vehicles, boats and occasionally motorbikes. We have found that most people are very courteous of horses and slow and pull over.


Dublin Bay itself is quite shallow for a way out and is a perfect setting for a bareback paddle and lunch!!



dublin bay.jpg

Directions and Float Parking

Head towards Lake Hawea on state highway 6 for 1.6 km past the Albert Town Bridge and turn left onto Dublin bay road.

Follow Dublin Bay road to the end and stop just before heading through the trees there are some good grass verges next to the road to park floats. There is a decent gravel turning circle for when you leave.

About 6 Floats.


See Map below.

dublin park.jpg

Click for Maps


N/A on track but check out the "Where to Stay" tab for places to stay, with your horse, in the area.


Cardrona River

Cardrona River Track

Track Overview and directions

Approx 6 kms each way from Ballentyne Bridge to river mouth.

Just under 4 kms each way to Hook from Ballentyne Bridge.


An awesome wee all weather ride! As long as the river isn't in flood!

If your unsure of river conditions please post on ROCO facebook page and ask :)

The river bed is what you would expect but most of the footing is finer gravel where you can avoid the larger river stones. There are 4x4 tracks everywhere you can follow.

Once you leave the river the footing is nice dirt trails/4x4 track.


Head towards the Albert Town bridge and go under it on the left (west side). Its not a very noisy bridge but it is a little low so i would recommend leading your horse if your unsure how they will react. You may need waterproof boots as sometimes there is shallow water on the left.



Shortly after the bride on the left side you leave the river

onto the bank marked by pink tags. Follow the cut track until you

reach the river again.


Please do not enter into the paddock with open gate


When you reach the river you can go through the river or left 

marked by the pink tags (photo below) and continue following

the trail and pink tags (some are around deer posts.)













Follow your nose till you reach the River ford and Yard at the back 

of Hook (bottom right)

If you enter Hook keep to the far right road and absolutely NO POO left in hook grounds!

Follow to carpark please keep to the right of the rolling lawn (right).






Please check Hook is open if you head there click here






If you cut right at the yard follow the 4x4 track round to the deer fence and follow it down to the opening at the end you will then cut back on yourself and go around the swamp. Its not recommended to cut through the swamp unless its summer but beware there is a hidden ditch.


Follow trail map to find your way  here


Please stay off the formed bike trail where you can and remove poo of formed track.

Horses are not allowed down stream of the mouth.




River Exit​


Left or enter river


Hook Yard and Entrance or go right to continue trail.

Directions and Float Parking

See Map below.

On the Wanaka side of Ballentyne Road bridge there is a large open area suitable to parking many floats. 

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N/A on track but check out the "Where to Stay" tab for places to stay, with your horse, in the area.


West Wanaka

West Wanaka

Track Overview

Approx. 14 km each way to hut (includes hill climb) 


A few changes have been made!

Definitely in the top 5! Stunning would be an understatement! A favourite to many, this track takes you along the western side of Lake Wanaka to the gorgeous Colquhouns Beach, the perfect spot for a lunch and swim and then continues along and up a hill climb to the Minaret Hut (private). You are likely to encounter hikers and cyclists.


The track is mostly easy rolling 4x4 dirt tracks and has small river crossings. The beginning of the track is narrow with a few gates to go through. Be mindful of heavy rain and snowfall as some areas can be prone to avalanche and flooding. It is possible to continue further past the hut onto the Minaret Burn track, we are currently working on conditions and accessibility with this part of the track.


Access is now from the DOC carpark past the homestead!

The whole track is now accessible from the DOC carpark for horses, so it is not necessary to access past the homestead. It would be appreciated if you could still text James Cochrane 027 329 3315 

and let him know you are going especially if a large group.


There is now a horse trekking company also using the track please contact Sam Goos 027 607 4530  so you don't bump into her. Especially on the narrow track at the beginning. This area is also a high impact area and is not maintained, leaving poo everywhere and trotting/cantering will cut it up fast.


Please remember that although walkers, bikers and horse riders have the right to access this trail at anytime you should still respect the track, farm operations and other users, the people on the horse treks could be beginners or children. We can absolutely share.





Colquhouns Beach



Homestead to Minaret Hut

Colquhouns Beach at Cattle Flat

Directions and Float Parking

See Map.

Enter Mineret Burn Track into Google Maps and it will take you straight there. Its about 30 mins from Wanaka with a float. Or click the photo below

Screen Shot 2023-04-22 at 8.30.47 AM.png

Click photo for maps



NO camping is permitted on this track as it passes through/near private land.


Permission must be granted from James Cochrane for use of the Minaret Hut. (Suitable for horses overnight, portable fencing may be required)

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