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Track Overview

Approx. 12 km each way to Poolburn Reservior area.
Poolburn Reservior is an absolutely stunning area for an overnight stay. With large grassy areas, there is loads of room for camping, parking and grazing horses. This area is great for fishing, kayaking and BBQs!

It is very exposed up there with little shelter, taking the proper equipment with you for camping is essentail. Always take good clothing in case of high winds and weather events. Please monitor the weather before departing on your trip.

Following the Old Dunstan Road, you steadily climb approx. 417m to the reservior, there are loads of little huts and cabins dotted around the area with long drops, but they are privately owned and well locked.

You can cart an empty horse float up the Old Dunstan road to the reservior but is NOT recommended to drive it with your horse on board, (but handy for carting up all the camping equipment!)


If the crossing below the dam across the small river is passable you could continue along Old Dunstan Road all the way to the Patearoa area.

It is a public road but please respect the surrounding farmland and stay near the road and leave gates as you find them.


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A popular area for 4x4 vehicles, bikes and other off road vehicles. Loads of room on road sides to get by/off track.

Directions and Float Parking

Once you turn off onto Old Dunstan Road, travel approx. 1 km and you will come to an area, just before the first cattle stop, with good flat, large grass verges. This is a really good unloading, tack up area.

If you follow the road round the left side of the reservior for a bit there are some lovely large open areas for float parking and camp setup. 

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Excellent camping around the Poolburn Reservior but there are NO facilities or toilets.

You will need your own fencing for the horses.


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