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Thomson Gorge Road

Track Overview

Total road length is 30km from Omakau to Bendigo 
Spend as long as you like squiggling your way up and over the Dunstan Mountains.

You will follow a gravel road steadily upwards through the gorge and over the 900m saddle into the Bendigo area. Take a moment to capture magical views of the Hawkdun Range.

As you follow Thomson Creek all the way to the top of the saddle, you’ll find reminders of its gold mining past. Just off the main track, you will discover a simple stone hut (13km in)

Built in 1908, this simple dwelling was a shelter for drovers and travellers on their arduous journey to and from the goldfields and makes a pleasant place to stop for a bite to eat.

There are great grassy verges and plenty of small water springs near the road. There are plenty of gates to go through so please leave them as you find them.

You may encounter stock, 4x4, motorbikes and cyclists.


Mountainous terrain! Please be prepared for all weather and have emergency communication.

This track cuts across private farmland, please respect and keep to the road.

No dogs



Directions and Float Parking

Just an 8 minute drive from Omakau.

Enter 'Thomson Gorge Road Matakanui' into google maps or click here.

As you turn onto Thomson Gorge Road you immediately see the entrance gateway. Once through please go past the farm entranceway and buildings and park on the right side of the road only to stay outside the Private boundary.


Please be mindful of where you park, stay well away from gateways or anything that might upset farm machinery or stock.



N/A on/near road but check out the "Where to Stay" tab for places to stay, with your horse, in the area.

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